New Delhi|Ekta Purohit

Assault against doctors is big challenge in country’s capital. On Increasing in number of cases of assaulting the doctors in various hospitals of Delhi, the Delhi Medical Council (DMC) has called a meeting on Friday. The meeting was attended by the eminent members of Federation of Resident Doctors Association (FORDA).
While speaking with Health Live Dr.Pankaj Solanki, President FORDA said that the meeting was organized to discuss the issues of assaulting towards doctors. Representing the FORDA in meeting Dr.Solanki highlighted and pointing out the main issues behind the assaulting. He suggested the council to come-up with certain measures to resolve this problem. Solanki emphasized that due to stringent health system, patients facing the harassment in health treatments and for this they blame doctors because doctors are in front and attend them. Other problems such as how general public perception can be changed, the nuisance creators are always backed by politicians and police is always hesitant to take action against such people were also told by Dr.Pankaj in front of DMC.
At the meeting the members of Delhi Medical council, accepted that these issue is a big challenge and now DMC will follow such cases.
There were possible solutions have been discussed on the issues are public needs to be sensitized through media, advertisement, FM, billboards and posters, police will be made aware about DMSPMSI act, as they didn’t have the knowledge about the Medical Protection Act., need of medical form, special attention to women doctors, If complaint against doctors found fake then the complainant will be penalized, Single entry point in the hospitals.
As a part of the meeting Dr.Vinod Gautam, Dr.Sanjeev Tomar, and Dr. Durga Shankar, Dr. Ankit OM from FORDA were also present.  Dr. K. K. Aggarwal Secretary General, IMA was also present, Arun Gupta, Presedent of DMC,  Girish Tyagi, from DMC and from private nursing home associations have also attended the conference. Another meeting will be scheduled this month only and a final white paper on assault will be made.


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