As the pious month of Ramzaan is around, bounty of forgiveness and mercy are bestowed by the Almighty. This month is also dedicated to observing fasts for 30 days of the month. At the outset it needs to be clarified that fasting is a way of spiritual purification. It sets the tenor of patience.
At the outset it needs to be made clear that fasting is not starvation. It is not about abstaining from food & water. Fasting also works as a natural way of cleaning the toxics of the body as metabolism of digestive system is put to rest.

With long hours of fast, need to maintain water balance is essential. Drinking enough water at sahri (morning fast) , at iftaar, and enough glasses in between Iftar and Suhur. Try to balance out in a manner that body gets enough fluid in form of eight glasses. It is essential that one avoids aerated drinks & artificial flavours should be avoided. There is also need for intake of fresh juices.
Try the blend of Oats, porridge, fruits, dates & nuts, multi-grain bread, Milkshake for suhur diet. Since the food intake is not allowed during the day, it is essential that while opening the fast one must have light food at time of fast. It is needed that one breaks the fast with dates as source of instant sugars and then move on to fruit salad & soup. The dinner following the evening prayers should have right yet light blend of balanced diet including proteins & avoid fried foods. One can try Chicken/ fish – steamed, boiled, grilled, roasted or paneer, Green veggies or mix vegetables, rice, Curd for dinner. Nowadays due to crass consumerism- processed foods are rampant. One should make an attempt to stay away from all of it due to its unhealthy impact.
Skipping the ‘sahri’ shall be detrimental – so have right blend of eating at that time as if you avoid eating that time- overeating at time of iftaar shall not be good. Fasting should not take as a shield for a lazy attitude. It has to be observed in right light of devotion and faith.
Ramzaan should be taken as a way of cleaning the soul by remembering the Almighty & message of mercy of Holy scriptures. However, biological mentoring of body can also take place by discipline way of life. Praying five times, balancing work and prayers, devoting time for preparation and doing other chores, yet at same time abstaining from evil,is indeed a great way of atoning ones attitude in life towards good.

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Article By

Dr.Amna Mirza
Assistant Professor
University of Delhi


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