New Delhi | Ekta Purohit

In India every year around 22 lac new cases of T.B. have been detected as said by Dr.S.K. Sharma, Prof. and HOD Medicine Department of AIIMS.
According to Dr.Sharma around 100 new cases come to AIIMS each year.

While talking with Health Live Dr. Sharma said , till 2035 World Health Organization pledged and planned for nations including India to get free from this infected disease. There may be chances of TB is 30% and 15 % more in people suffering from HIV and diabetes.Dr.S.K.Sharma

Two different types of TB are there one is infected and other disease type called pulmonary TB. Excessive pulmonary TB are of Brain, Bone, intestine and of fallopian tubes as Dr.Sharma told.
The primary symptoms of tuberculosis are Cough, pain in chest, fever, and night sweating. X-ray of chest, skin test, Smear microscopy of sputum, culturing bacteria are few main tests available to detect the tuberculosis.

Dr. J.B. Sharma, Prof. at Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department of AIIMS told Health Live around 10 in 100 women is suffering from tuberculosis of Uterus, fallopian tube and ovary which cause infertility in them.
As TB is infected through lungs but it can transfer to genital parts. Firstly it will affect the fallopian tube and blocked the tube. Sometimes it takes a shape of tumor in ovary and also affected the lining of uterus. Further he added that irregularity of periods; loss of weight, fever is major symptoms of such TBs.IMG_20160317_155817659

Tuberculosis may cause difficulty in egg formation in this case through IVF she can have the baby, but due to TB if lining of uterus got damaged than surrogacy is only the way of having child. If this disease diagnosed in early stage can save life of patient and she will able to conceive later as Dr. Sharma told.

Further Dr. S.K. Sharma, HOD, Dept.of Medicine told Health live there are certain fixed guidelines for the treatment of tuberculosis. Generally the treatment given to patient is for 6 months. In which first two months combination of 4 drugs are given and for next four months three dosage are have been given to patients.
In Pulmonary TB time of treatment is about of 6 months and 95 % of people cured in this time period only 5-7 % of patient take 12 months for recover which depends on patient’s disease.


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