One more case of medical negligence observed in the city Kanpur where the district consumer protection forum, Kanpur nagar on Thursday ordered a doctor to pay a sum of Rs5 lakh as compensation to a complainant, Sita after she gave birth to a girl child even after tubectomy.

Complainant Sita, a resident of Gandhi Nagar, had filed this complaint against Dr Apsara Saxena of Mary Gold hospital, Panki. She alleged that she was a mother of two sons and two daughters. Her husband was electrician and since they were not financially well-off, they had decided not to have more children.
In their order, the presiding officers of the forum observed that the compensation amount Rs5 lakh would be kept in fixed deposit and complainant may use that for the child’s education and for her development with due permission of forum. Besides that a sum of Rs5,000 was also awarded by the forum to the complainant as legal expenses.

Dr Apsara Saxena on January 27, 2011 performed her tubectomy at Mary Gold hospital. Due to ill health, she was examined by New Sewa Dham hospital, Acharya nagar, where doctors diagnosed she was pregnant. Dufferin hospital also confirmed her pregnancy.

The Mary Gold hospital, in its submission, stated that it had no doctor named as Apsara Saxena. The lady had visited the hospital for a check-up and she was told about precautions by the doctors.

The forum president observed that hospital’s statement was contradictory. The discharge slip of the hospital clearly states that complainant was operated. Therefore, hospital authorities and Dr Apsara are liable to pay the damages.


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