New Delhi|HLive
Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh was awarded the prestigious ‘Lifetime Award’ in Diabetes by the Governing Council of ‘Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group India’ (DIPSI)in the national capital on Sunday. Dr.Singh is well-known diabetologist.
The award was conferred on Jitendra Singh at a ceremony held during the 11th National Conference of DIPSI at Hotel JW Marriott.
President, International Diabetes Federation (IDF), DR S.M. Sadikot, world renowned Diabetologist and WHO Convener Dr. V. Seshiah, President, Research Society for Study of Diabetes in India (RSSDI) Dr. S.V. Madhu and President DIPSI Dr. Anil Kapur were among some of the leading Diabetologists present on the occasion.
The award citation states that Jitendra Singh has been actively involved with apex Diabetes organizations in India and has held several important All-India level academic posts including those of Chairman, Scientific Committee for National Diabetes Conference of RSSDI 2013, Author and Advisor on panel of prestigious Elsevier Publishers, National Executive and Research Committee Member of RSSDI, National Joint Secretary DIPSI, National Executive Board Member “Diabetes India”, Member National Advisory Board, Journal of Association of Physicians of India (JAPI), Member Editorial Board, Journal of Indian Medical Association (JIMA), Referee / Reviewer for “International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries”, Inspector for Medical Council of India, Examiner for MD, DNB, etc.
There has mention of five books in the citation , Elsevier published monograms and over a dozen chapters in various textbooks of Diabetes and Medicine for MD students written by Jitendra Singh. He also worked on ‘Stress diabetes in Kashmiri migrants’ which was hailed by the World Health Organization (WHO).

In the concluding paragraphs, the citation describes Jitendra Singh as not only a noted intellectual, researcher and author but also a noted social activist, known for his high integrity and self-less service to society.
The citation also mentions Singh’s widely read weekly column ‘Tales of Travesty’, his historic role in 2008 Amarnath land row agitation and conferment of prestigious awards including Gold Medal for ‘Oration’ at the Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER) Pondicherry and coveted ‘Jamuna Devi Gian Devi Award’ for journalism.

On the eve, Jitendra Singh acknowledged the support and patronage from his teachers and mentors specially mentioning of Dr V. Seshiah and said, it was his destined privilege to have been groomed under some of the leading doyens and founding fathers of Diabetology in India, including Late Prof. Sam G.P. Moses and Late Prof. M.M.S. Ahuja.


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