New Delhi|HL
About 60 per cent working professionals in metro cities, including Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai, suffer from stress, as per the study conducted by Lybrate, on the World Mental Health Day.

The data has been released post analysis of over 1 lakh interactions of working professionals with doctors that happened on the platform over a period of 12 months, starting October 10, 2016.

People working in Mumbai are more stressed than any other Tier 1 city in India. About 31% working population in the financial capital of the country talked about being stressed, while 27% of the work force in Delhi that spoke to medical practitioners and counsellors on the platform said to be suffering from some form of stress.

In Bangalore, 14% working professionals talked about stress as compared to Hyderabad (11%), Chennai (10%) and Kolkata (7%).

“People feel uncomfortable talking about stress with family members and friends. But it is important to bottle out any sort of frustration or stifling emotions in a healthy way. It is very important to recognize what is bothering you and causing you stress, so as to deal with it effectively. We must not ignore it as unattended stressful feelings or emotions can lead to major health problems in the long run. The feature of anonymity on the Lybrate platform allows people to talk about their situation with doctors and find out viable solutions,” said Saurabh Arora, Founder and CEO, Lybrate.

Major worries of working professionals are tight deadlines, missing targets, coping with pressure, office politics, long working hours, indifferent and unsupportive managers and work-life balance.

It is found that 24 percent of working professionals from Sales and Marketing background are more stressed as against those in professions such as Media and Public Relations 22 per cent. Apart in BPOs 17 per cent and 9 per cent of Travel and Tourism, Advertising and in Event Management 8 per cent of people were stressed.


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