New Delhi|HL
Over 40,000 resident doctors in the national capital went on a mass Casual Leave on Thursday in support of their counterparts in Maharashtra who are on similar protest following rising assaults.
Main hospitals of Delhi whose resident doctors joined the protest are All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital and Safdarjung Hospital, apart from other Delhi government hospitals and medical institutions under the civic bodies.
Dr.Durgashankar, Vice President FORDA(Federation of Resident Doctors Association) told HealthLive that resident doctors of Delhi have showed the unity to the nation and it is appreciable. We united to support our colleagues , it is not only the matter of assaulting one doctor, it is related to whole medical fraternity.
Dr.Meena informed on further action that we will work in our respective hospitals with black armbands. We are also waiting for the decision of Maharashtra government their action will decide our reaction and if required we may have to go for indefinite mass leave after all the RDAs reach a mutual decision by Saturday.
Showing solidarity for our colleagues of Maharashtra we residents of AIIMS worked with Helmets at our workplace. Why government is not providing infrastructure which is main root cause of this problem otherwise patients are not our enemies. Doctors and patients relationship is relation of faith not fear said Dr.Vijay Gurjar, President RDA, AIIMS.
We are not protesting we are protecting ourselves. Why government is making fool of general public by portraying us as villains Dr.Vijay added.


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