New Delhi|Ekta
Radiographers of All India Medial Institute today hold a silent march at AIIMS premises for demanding a revision in their pay scale and a hike in allowances.
The radiographers of AIIMS have threatened to go on a strike over their unresolved pay issues.

There have been no increase in our pay for over ten years, said Ramesh Kaushal, from radiology department , AIIMS who led the protest. It was the second day of this protest, and administration is not taking any action for our significant issue Kaushal added.

After the march radiographers resumed their work, they threatened that they will go on a strike if their issues of salaries will not be resolved by the authorities.

Since last 10 years we are requesting administration of AIIMS to resolve this anomaly which they accept to exist. All our efforts made administration of AIIMS to set up two high level committees to look into our grievances said Ajit Singh one of the protester,radiology dept.AIIMS. There are two committees recommended after studying all aspects recommended same pay scales for us which now administration of AIIMS is adamant not to implement. Though other para medical staff has been upgraded with recommendations of these committees.
We even not getting Hospital patient care allowances (HPCA)as we have direct involvement in patient care.

While talking with Healthlive Mr.Ramesh said“The radiographers play an important role in conducting MRI’s and other surgical processes. The authorities realised our importance and gave us promotions. “There are over 300 radiographers who are unhappy over the subject and if the matter is not going to be resolved, we will soon be holding a strike”.








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