New Delhi|HL
The coutry’s capital registered highest number of crime cases against senior citizens in the year 2015.
The latest data from “Crime in India” report released by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) said a total number of 1,248 cases of crime against senior citizens were registered in Delhi in 2015.
With a rate of 108.8 crimes per 100,000 elderly population, senior citizens in the capital are almost five times more likely to become victims of a crime than the rest of the country. The national rate for such crimes stands at 20.
This category is followed by Madhya Pradesh 60.5 (3,456 cases), Chhattisgarh 53.7 (1,077 cases) and Andhra Pradesh 51.6 (2,495 cases).
Mostly senior citizens residing in the city were victims of crimes like robbery (145 cases), cheating (123), murder (14), grievous hurt (9), extortion (3) attempt to murder (2), attempt to commit culpable homicide (2), rape (1), dacoity (2) and the maximum 947 of “other IPC crimes”.
We can say that Delhi was most unsafe city for senior citizens in the year 2015.



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