New Delhi|Ekta Purohit
Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare JP Nadda urged people to come forward and donate organs to save lives.
Nadda was speaking at a function organised by Dadhichi Deh Dan Samiti (DDDS) New Delhi, he stated that organ donation can benefit the recipient largely by improving health, quality and span of his life and even save him from death or other critical conditions.
Donating organs is a gift of life and is an altruistic, egalitarian and essentially moral act as he added in his speech.

The Samiti organised a dialogue on framing of the protocol to develop respect for donated cadavers and the families of cadaver donors amongst the medical teaching community.
Speaking on the occasion, the Health Minister urged the participants to list down the solutions that will encourage organ and body donation and assured that the Government will not delay its implementation.
He further said that the Ministry has started taking concrete steps for harvesting of cadaver organs and tissues and hope that the government will be able to optimally utilize this vast national resource.
The benefits of initiatives should reach out to every nook and corner of the country and should not be limited to cities only Minister Nadda added.

Minister further said the demand for organs continue to increase manifold in future keeping in view the increased incidence of lifestyle diseases. So, there is a need to create a system for improving the rate of safe, effective and ethical donation of cadaver organs for transplantation in those who need them.
While adding on the improvement of donation system Nadda said there will be soon protocol introduce for the donor and the family of donor as to honor and respect them.

Almost 127 organ donation and 430 eye donation has been done under the Dadhichi Deh Daan Samiti in Delhi and NCR region as told by Alok Kumar, President, Dadhichi Deh Daan Samiti.

While talking with Healthlive Harsh Malhotra, General Secretary, Dadhichi Deh Daan Samiti said, “our mission is to eradicate corneal blindness from Delhi in next three years. Dadhichi Deh Daan Samiti is continuously organizing programmes to spread awareness among people to donate their organs.

At the conference Dr.B.D.Athani, DGMS, Dr.Vimal Bhandari, President,NOTO, Dr.K.K.Agarwal, President ,IMA Dr.Harsha Johri, Chairman,Renal transplant Dept.Sir Gangaram Hospital, Dr.Vinay Agarwal, Former IMA President, Rakesh Gupta, President,DMA, Dr.M.S.Ahuja, Head Army College and more than forty doctors mark their presence.


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