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The yearning memories, the bitter regret, the agonized sympathy, the struggling appeals to the Invisible Rightall the intense emotions which had filled the days and nights of the past week, and were compressing themselves again like an eager crowd into the hours of this single morning, made Adam look back on all the previous years as if they had been a dim sleepy existence, and he had only now awaked to full consciousness Alick came now with the message, and Seth, finding that Mrs Poyser was writing to Dinah, gave up the intention of writing himself; but he went to the Hall Farm to tell them all he could suggest about the address of the letter, and warn them that there might be some delay in the delivery, from his not knowing an exact direction.

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The mother and sons listened, each with peculiar feelings The letter was directed to Adam, but he went out of doors again before opening it.

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Maybe; I’m none so fond o’ Josh Tod’s thick ale, but I don’t hinder you from making a fool o’ yourself wi’t And on Monday, when I can’t follow youwhen my arms can’t reach youwhen death has parted usHe who is with us now, and knows all, will be with you then.

The worst was when they told him to look at the prisoner at the bar It was to Adam the time that a man can least forget in after-life, the time when he believes that the first woman he has ever loved betrays by a slight somethinga word, a tone, a glance, the quivering of a lip or an eyelidthat she is at least beginning to love him in return.

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Apart from this foreboding, things went on much as usual in the Poyser household And when they rejoined her aunt and uncle, she could pursue her thoughts without interruption, for Mr Poyser held that though a young man might like to have the woman he was courting on his arm, he would nevertheless be glad of a little reasonable talk about business the while; and, for his own part, he was curious to hear the most recent news about the Chase Farm So, through the rest of the walk, he claimed Adam’s conversation for himself, and Hetty laid her small plots and imagined her little scenes of cunning blandishment, as she walked along by the hedgerows on honest Adam’s arm, quite as well as if she had been an elegantly clad coquette alone in her boudoir.

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Thee mustna say so; we should ha’ been ill off wi’out her, Lady day was a twelvemont’ It was of no use nowhis resolution not to speak till to-morrow.

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