New Delhi|HL
In India during the childbirth five women dies every hour as some complications developed during childbirth, with heavy blood loss caused by haemorrhage being a major factor, WHO has said.
Nearly 45,000 mothers die due to causes related to childbirth every year in India which accounts for 17 percent of such deaths globally, according to the global health body.
The World Health Organisation (WHO) said the major cause of maternal deaths is Post-Partum Haemorrhage (PPH), which is often defined as the loss of more than 500-1,000 ml of blood within the first 24 hours following childbirth.

Based on the World Health Statistics (WHS) 2016, the MMR (Maternal Maternity Rate) of India is 174/100,000 live births. Even taking into consideration the WHS 2016 higher estimate of MMR of 174/100,000 live births and a birth cohort of around 26 million per year, this works out to nearly 45,000 mothers dying due to causes related to childbirth every year in India.
“This works out to losing nearly five mothers every hour,” WHO Country Office for India told PTI.
It further said that India accounts for around 17 percent of the burden of global maternal deaths and the biggest cause of maternal deaths is post-partum Haemorrhage (37 percent).
WHO said that the MMR of 174/100,000 live births “slightly” differs from India’s own estimate of 167/100,000 due to the fact that the WHS, whenever possible has computed the rates using standardised categories and methods in order to enhance cross-national comparability.
“This approach may result in differences between the estimates presented and the official national statistics prepared and endorsed by WHO Member States in some cases,” WHO said.


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