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Good-by, and thank you again for your splendid music Dion scarcely knew whether this fact made him sorry or glad.

The huge wall of the Parthenon kept off the wind from the sea, and as Rosamund and Dion no longer saw the whirling dust clouds in the plain they had, for the moment, almost an illusion of peace Thats true.

Yes, very much He smiled.

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Till this moment she had been undecided about a certain thing, although she herself perhaps was not fully aware of her hesitation He dismounted and gave the reins to the Turkish youth.

I say, by Jove, though! said Jimmy, looking suddenly overwhelmed and very respectful Already Rosamund and Dion had spent many hours here, sometimes sitting on the bench, more often resting on the warm ground in the sunshine, among the fragments of ruin and the speary, silver-green grasses.

Mr Leiths a regular boys man and was a great chum of Jimmys in London; used to show him how to box and that sort of thing Dyou think Rosamund disliked my mentioning poor Omars being killed?NoBut didnt she leave us rather abruptly?I think perhaps she didnt want to hear any details.

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