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Not exactly that, he said There was considerable uneasiness in the bosoms of others of the Directors, and a disposition to complain against the Grand Director, arising from a grievance altogether different from that which afflicted Montague.

Nine-tenths of the clergy in the diocese would be guided by him in any matter of clerical conduct which might come before him What people? The Melmottes.

-And she looked up into his face, and thought that it would be impossible that he should be And worse spent money never was wasted, said the Countess.

Could it be possible that she, with all her intellectual gifts as well as those of her outward person, should be thrown over by a man whom well as she loved him,-and she did love him with all her heart,-she regarded as greatly inferior to herself! He had promised to marry her; and he should marry her, or the world should hear the story of his perjury! Paul Montague felt that he was surrounded by difficulties as soon as he read the letter Would not the world, or any part of it that was desirable, come to her drawing-room if she were the wife of Mr Broune? It all passed through her brain at once during that minute of silence which she allowed herself after the declaration was made to her.

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