New Delhi|HL
Head and Neck Cancers are one of the most common type of cancers in India. It constitutes all about 30%of all cancers. In Head & Neck cancers , most common types of oral and tongue cancers, Larnyx (voice box)cancers, Thyroid cancers etc. Most of these cancers are related to bad habits like smoking, tobacco chewing and alcohol consumption. Other causes may be ulcers caused by sharp tooth and excessive intake of hot and spicy foods.
Any ulcer on tongue or in oral cavity which does not heal in period of two weeks of time should warrant a serious condition. So, always go for Biopsy and consult with Head & Neck surgeon. Any lump in neck, thyroid swelling, parotid gland swelling found then consult immediately to doctor.
Why Biopsy is Important
Biopsy is always better option for investigation, it is myth that Biopsy can cause spread of cancer. Biopsy is only investigation which can detect cancer and early detection is the key for good prognosis. So, in many ulcers which is non- healing for more than fifteen days, go for biopsy and take early treatment. For most of the head and neck cancers surgery is the only treatment.
Say No to Tobacco
Quitting bad habits can prevent head and neck cancers timely. Specially, avoid consuming tobacco in any form, either smoking or chewing. Early detection in form of Biopsy and treatment in form of surgery is the key for a good prognosis.

Article By: Dr. Sangeet Agarwal- Senior Consultant Head & Neck Surgery -Sir Ganga Ram Hospital