New Delhi|HL
The future of eight thousand doctors is big concern. To address this issue the Federation of Resident Doctors Association (FORDA) visited to Ministry of Health & Family Welfare today. The group of representatives including National President Dr.Aviral Mathur and National Secretary Dr.Sarvesh Pandey met the concerned officials of ministry regarding the National Eligibility Entrance Test for Master of Dental Surgery (NEET MDS).
During the meeting they highlighted the critical matter concerning NEET MDS 24 exam eligibility matter for around 8000 BDS interns, from the 2018 batch of their admission. They have been incessantly pursuing this matter over the course of past few months and with the exam date approaching they are facing a complex situation concerning their career prospects.
We have submitted the letter and requested concerned officials to consider their demands, based on interactions we strongly feel that DCI will do something concrete to save acreer of so many students said Dr.Aviral Mathur, President FORDA.

Highlighting the issue of Faculty Eligibility Criteria Dr.Sarvesh Pandey Secretary of association said that due to pandemic, interns have faced a training break, extending their completion dates by varying periods, some finishing as late by August 24. Setting the eleigibilty criteria cut-off as March 31st unfairly debars them and jeopardizing their career. Keeping hope of positive outcome of meeting he also ask students to continue the study.
The representatives of BDS interns also mentions the previous High court orders and the recent order by Supreme Court of India highlight the need for uniform cutoff dates for eligibilty and adequate preparation time for both MBBS and BDS students.
Based on all points FORDA appeals to Ministry to take necessary and positive action considering rescheduling the NEET MDS 24 exam by a reasonable amount of time, considering extending the internship cutoff date for eligibilty which will benefit and save acreer of 8000 interns., conduct common counselling and admissions after the exam synchronous with NEET PG.
The doctors community praising the FORDA association’s action that they promptly acted upon, intervene into the subject and requests made by dental interns. FORDA received request from Students yesterday for intervention and team acted immediately today for large interest of NEET MDS Candidates as mentioned by one of the doctor posted Twitter.
As promised by Team @FordaIndia ,
President and Secretary of FORDA met officials in @MoHFW_INDIA and submitted letter along with Representatives from Dental Community.Team @FordaIndia received request from Students yesterday for intervention and team acted immediately today for…
— Dr.Meet Ghonia (@DrMeet_Ghonia) March 4, 2024
Another intern writes ” Grateful to FORDA for amplifying our voices. With your help we stand a chance to prove that we won’t settle for an incompetent authority (DCI) running our fraternity and ruining our lives.National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for Master of Dental Surgery (NEET MDS).
We have been facing endless anxiety since last 2 weeks. Thank you @FordaIndia @DrPandeyRML @draviralmathur for supporting us.@mansukhmandviya sir kindly end our distress and give us what we deserve. You are our only hope.@PMOIndia @AmitShah
— Paul1998 (@Paul11850435) March 4, 2024