New Delhi|Ekta
National capital Delhi’s most crowded Safdarjung hospital has performed it’s first Heart transplant on Thursday morning.
A 44 year old man , resident from Bihar was evaluated in the department of Cardio Thoracic Vascular Surgery (CTVS) and was diagnosed with advanced heart failure due to severe coronary artery disease in the month of March. He was later put on National Organ Transplant Organisation (NOTTO) in receipient list of transplant. The NOTTO on Wednesday allocated the heart of a donor from private hospital of Gurugram.
While talking to Healthlive Dr.Anubhav Gupta, Head of Department CTVS told that “the hospital divided teams in two halves one team for retrieval and one for recipient. The retrieval team comprising Dr Ajit Padhy Associate Professor CTVS, Dr Subrata Parmanik Assistant Professor CTVS, nursing and perfusion staff of CTVS retrieved the Heart from Gurugram hospital.
The other team of recipient was in hospital and ready with all procedure to perform the transplant. After heart was brought to Safdarjung Hospital, the transplant procedure began at around 8 pm and went on till Thursday morning,” said Dr Anubhav Gupta, Head of Department of CTVS at Safdarjung Hospital.

It is achievement and also a challenging experience as it was an first heart transplant of hospital and after 50 years since it was established. The important thing in all cadaver transplant is coordination. We have to coordinate with all departments either gastro, anesthesia, nephrology etc. Our team of more than fifty members including doctors, nurses other staff members have done tirelessly work to make this transplant successful. The NOTTO department plays its crucial role to in cadaver transplant added Dr. Gupta. For such surgeries patient has to get admitted to hospital at least 6hrs before transplant, again timing is most important as there may be chances of infection if procedure not completed in particular time.
It is a proud moment for us as this is the first heart transplant by Safdarjung Hospital,” said Dr B L Sherwal, Medical Superintendent . The patient is recovering in the CTVS ICU, he said. We will try to assure to have best facilities and continue to do such surgeries in our hospital so that patients may get treatment on time added MS Dr. Sherwal.