
Awareness Walk for Thalessemia in Delhi

New Delhi |HL For creating awareness about the disease, National Association For Reproductive And Child Health Of India (NARCHI) Delhi branch is organising a Thalessemia Awareness Walkathon at 7.00 am on 2nd December,at inner circle...

ILBS & DMRC launched campaign on awareness for Hepatitis

New Delhi|HL Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS) and the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) have joined hands for spreading awareness on the menace of disease  viral hepatitis. A campaign that seeks to build a...

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Lupin launches Tetrabenazine tablets in US

New Delhi|HL  Tetrabenazine tablets, soon launch by drug maker Lupin announced on wednesday. These tablets are  used for the treatment of involuntary movements associated with Huntington's disease in the United States.The company had received approval from the...

98 year old male successfully underwent coronary bypass surgery at Medanta

  Gurugram|HL  In an unprecedented benchmark, a 98-year-old male successfully underwent coronary bypass surgery at Medanta - The Medicity (www.medanta.org). Mohammed Kadhim Saeed, from Iraq, came to India seeking treatment for severely blocked coronary arteries causing...

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Australia gives $37 million to support youth’s mental health

Melbourne|HL Australia will spend an extra A$51.8 million ($37 million) on support to young people with mental health issues, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Sunday. The announcement comes a week ahead of a crucial by-election for Morrison's ruling Liberal-National coalition, and...

Half of women and one in three men at risk of dementia

Paris: Nearly half of women and one in three men are at risk of developing stroke or degenerative neurological diseases such as dementia and Parkinson's during their lifetime, according to a study published Monday. Dutch researchers considered all three conditions "in...