
Urban emergency departments matters as patients smoke cigarettes and use other substances at higher...

Washington D.C|HL  Prevention Research Center of the Pacific Institute conducted research. In the study researchers evaluated the in-depth understanding of smoking among patients in an urban emergency department. The study was published in the journal -- 'Tobacco Use Insights.' Studying patients...

Study shows highest BMI had almost twice the risk of early-onset colorectal cancer

Washington D.C. : According to a recent study, women who are overweight or obese have up to twice the risk of developing colorectal cancer before age 50 in contrast to women who have what is considered...

Earlier dinner may lower risk of many cancers, study says

HL|People who eat dinner before 9 p.m. -- or at least two hours before going to sleep -- have a 20% lower risk of breast and prostate cancer than those who eat after 10...

Smart India Hackathon 2018 : Engineering Student’s Designed Device for Dyslexia won Top Spot

Health live | Delhi Do you remember Amir Khan’s award winning movie ‘Tare Zameen Par’, it was a story of a dyslexic child. Dyslexic kids, who find it difficult to read and write letters and...

Hackathon 2018; NCR students present model to fight pollution at SIRI Pilani

New Delhi| Health Live ​Students, showcasing their talents, developed new technologies while improving upon the existing ones to ease work processes at a​ hackathon organised at the CISR-SIRI, Pilani. ​The theme of this hackathon is "smart...

Antibodies could have therapeutic potential,for Type-1 and Psoriasis

London|HL Researchers from King's College London, analysed samples taken from 81 people with a rare autoimmune disorder called autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 (APECED) They found that injecting the mice with autoantibodies from the APECED patients...

50 per cent more risk of heart attack in diabetic patients

Washington D.C|HL A new study has found that diabetes can raise the risk of heart attack death by 50 percent. Researchers at the University of Leeds tracked 700,000 people, who had been admitted to hospital...

Scientists discover new class of small-molecule drug of pain reliver

New York|HL Researchers from Duke University have discovered a potential new class of small-molecule drugs that simultaneously block key targets in the treatment of pain. The findings could lead to the development of a...

Blood test can predict the miscarriages

Washington D.C|HL A blood test that could end the agony of miscarriages has come closer to reality after a team of scientists found a protein that helps babies stick to the womb. The research found that...

Vitamin B with UV minimize risk of malaria infection following blood transfusion

London| A team of researchers has come up with a new blood treatment technology that could make blood transfusions in high risk malaria zones safer. The new trial suggests that treating donated blood with a...