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COVID: Distribution of Vaccine is done in a transparent manner- Health Ministry

New Delhi|HL The government of India continues to allocate COVID-19 vaccines to States/UTs in a transparent manner an official release says on Thursday. India’s National COVID Vaccination Program is built on scientific and epidemiological evidence, WHO...

Delta Plus Variant, currently a Variant of Concern – Union Health Ministry

New Delhi|HL The government of India has been proactively working towards effective COVID-19 management by the sustained strengthening of multi-level health and testing infrastructure, and through focussed Public Health Measures in active collaboration with the...

Ray of Hope- Day will come when we say Bye to Mask

Being a doctor, I was aware and scared of the possible outcomes! Fear, panic, and hysteria are around us, but in this time, we have also known kindness, empathy and love. We have seen self-sacrifice,...

Fragility of life in corona pandemic has made me more compassionate

Covid pandemic is an unforgettable experience in my life. It has made me realize that our life is held by a very delicate thread which can only be strengthened by joining other threads to...

Be a Volunteer in the service of COVID

Covid has given a different kind of experience to me earlier when we used to treat our patients we know the exact treatment. Before covid, we used to treat influenza in high-risk population and...

Habit of nose picking in children causes bleeding from nose- Epistaxis

Bleeding from nose in adults and children is a common problem and most of us experience this problem sometime in our lifetime. Bleeding from nose in children Nose is a very vascular organ and subsequently even...

Are you tired of obesity? Go for a bariatric surgery-effective method for weight loss

Bariatric / Weight Loss Surgery is a treatment option for patients suffering from morbid obesity. It is considered to be one of the most effective methods for weight loss and long-term weight maintenance. Moreover,...

Take care of your breathing organs-Lungs

Lung Surgery:From two litres blood loss to two drops Our body is constituted of different organs and each organ has its own role, so does the Lungs has. The lungs are the organs meant for breathing and...

Quitting bad habits can prevent head and neck cancers timely

New Delhi|HL Head and Neck Cancers are one of the most common type of cancers in India. It constitutes all about 30%of all cancers. In  Head  & Neck cancers , most common types of oral ...

Air pollution is believed to contribute the worst outcome in Covid-19

New Delhi|Ekta We witnessed clear blue skies in Delhi and other major cities in India during the phase of lockdown which was the most positive side of the pandemic. It was a landmark welcome change...