New Delhi|Ekta
Exposure to extreme heat also has health benefits says experts , during summers usually we all talk about health harms, heat wave etc. Here this article highlights some of the health benefits of extreme summer, SHOCKED? Yes , summers can also boost your immune system and solve your depression problem through Shocked Proteins.
What are Heat Shock Proteins which benefit body
We all have heard of many health related issues due to extreme weather. Ever wondered how animals , birds and laborers who are exposed to extreme heat can adapt better .

According to Dr M Wali , Senior Consultant, Department of Internal Medicine , Sir Ganga Ram Hospital , ” For our body ,exposure to extreme weather carries certain health advantages too . During extreme temperature , our body produces substances called Heat Shock Proteins (HSP) and Cold Shock Proteins (CSP) . Body’s immune system gets boosted due to formation of these Proteins. They make sure that damaged cells die when they should, a process that goes uncontrollable when there is cancer in body. Extreme weather also helps in cell regeneration . Together , they support our immune system, reducing stress in body & protecting brain.”
Says, Mikhail Poromaenko from Institute of Cytology & Genetics , Siberia Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in a chapter on Heat Shock Proteins in a book Brenner’s Encyclopedia of Genetics published by Elsevier , ” Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs) are specific Proteins that are made when cells are briefly exposed to temperatures above their normal growth temperature. The synthesis of HSPs is a universal phenomenon, occurring in all plant and animal species studied , including humans.”
Shock Proteins and Mental Health
According to Dr Jitendra Nagpal , Chairman, Institute of Mental Health , Moolchand Hospital , ” Shock Proteins have been found to have positive impact on cognitive abilities .The progression of certain diseases like Alzhimers and Parkinsons can be slowed by certain Shock Proteins. They prevent damage to brain nerve cells caused by misfolded and aggravated proteins . It has been found that depression patients show improvement by receiving Infrared Treatment. ”
How to Enhance Shock Proteins
Engaging in cardiovascular and strength training makes muscle work hard , increasing body temperature which results in production of HSPs.
Taking a Sauna bath increases body’s core temperature. This results in increase of HSP . Regular Sauna bath is related with improved brain , lungs, skin health and reduced inflammation levels. Frequent Sauna bath users also have reported fewer Cardiovascular diseases.
Cold Showers
Use Cold shower after finishing workout or Sauna session or end your warm shower with splash of cold water . This stimulates Cold Shock Proteins (CSPs) .
Get Out Doors
Just few minutes of Sun exposure can increase your body temperature thus triggering production of heat Shock Proteins .
But acclimatize your body before that. This also helps in increase of Vitamin D production .