Health Live is a portal where one can get all the latest and specific news about the health and health sector. It comprise search, research, report and many more about health activities profoundly near about us. Its main objective is to provide truthful and thoughtful news to our readers. Health Live means live the life lively and healthy. Everyone should care and aware about the health, as famous phrase “Health is Wealth” depicts. Our team is a group of young creative professionals who worked for different organizations and media groups. We ought to provide truthful, straight and exact information through Health Live. It can be a new paradigm of news development in day to day among health sector at the world, national, state and district level.

Health Live’s mission is to seek the news of creative discoveries, innovative research strategies which ultimately protecting and improving health and ensure that it could be beneficial as well as substantial for our readers. Apart from this Health Live aims to develop a chain between medical practitioners and other people related to health sector by providing them a separate platform where they can exchange information share their views, enhance their experiences and wide knowledge of their specific fields of medical and health.

The internet technology is booming in health sector; figure outing appropriate news one can click to Health Live, we promise to provide genuine and unique news at this platform. As a dedicated contribution to health segment we are able to tailor our message to the specific needs of this section and its profile for reader’s satisfaction. We try to come up with a new ideas and thoughts which stress out from the routine boring news.

We hope that Health Live may help people to an extent for all the necessary information related to health and medical.

Editorial Team

  • Sandeep Dwiwedi
  • Ekta Purohit